“Life has its problems and with these we must cope.
Trust in God, have blind faith and never give up hope.”~ Cortez McDaniel
As Thanksgiving nears, I am thinking of Cortez McDaniel, a resident of Christ House in Washington, DC. He is a poet, is chronically ill, and a once homeless man without much hope. He had little reason to be thankful. But just when he was at the end of his rope, the incredible miracle of Christ House reached him. There, he received expert medical care, safe respite, a warm bed, nurturing love, nourishing food and a place to recover. His gentle heart was restored and life has renewed possibility. God went in search of this lost sheep and brought him home.
We who have been blessed with comfort, work, family, friends, cars, homes and such abundance have no reason to complain. Our annoyances, worries, and frustrations come from an illusion of scarcity and lack. Even in our culture filled with prosperity, we often choose to see the glass half empty. Here we are on the eve of Thanksgiving. If tempted to complain about what we are missing this year; who failed to come to the table, what favorite dish was forgotten, or that the turkey was deep fried instead of roasted, let’s stop a minute and think about Cortez McDaniel and his friends at Christ House. Let’s fill our hearts with the bounty of God’s grace in full appreciation. How fortunate and blessed we are!
A lost sheep is crying out for help somewhere in your life. Thanksgiving is a good time to go out, no matter how far it has strayed, and welcome it back home.
“A lost sheep needs a shepherd to find the way." ~ Felix Wantang