Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, the bountiful harvest festival of traditional foods and the gathering of loved ones, is an American treasure. George Washington proclaimed the observation in 1789 and it was made a federal holiday by the pen of Abraham Lincoln in 1863. These dates and occasions seem important. Established in celebration of our founding democracy and resurrected at a time of national despair, Thanksgiving brings us together in good times and bad. It isn't the property of any specific religion. There aren't fireworks, or presents, or much pomp and circumstance associated with our late November assembly of family and friends. Even Macy's annual parade with all the glitter, bands, celebrities, and enormous balloons marching with Santa himself down 34th Street to Herald Square cannot define why most Americans approach this day with such eager anticipation.

Few people would say that Thanksgiving is only about a roasted turkey and scrumptious side dishes or desserts. But there is little doubt that those are pretty big drawing cards. Ensconced in my memories are seasonal smells wafting from the kitchen. Visions of long tables set for receiving amounts of food unparalleled in weight and diversity leave me almost dizzy to this very day. You could almost hear the wood groan as a final platter was heaped on the last empty spot. Homemade pies were left waiting for lack of space. I can still hear the oohs and ahhs of both young and old as the feast was unveiled. Who would have ever guessed that gravy could be poured over so many different things (like cranberries) and still taste so good! Overloaded tummies and some magical turkey protein called tryptophan kicked in to create massive amounts of melatonin which makes it impossible to stay awake. Few have any clear recollection of who won the annual holiday NFL game. Did someone change the channel to a Dog show? Or was that Toto barking at the Wicked Witch of the West?

I've come to believe that all of these things are wonderful, (even the snoring) but there is something more to Thanksgiving. It seems to me that the years’ hardships and hard work are put aside to make way for recognition of abundance no matter the size or scope of bounty on a table. We make ourselves present to one another, face to face across the festive table, as particularly vulnerable yet equally resilient. We show ourselves to be triumphant as well as humbled. Thanksgiving is a day of possibilities. For if this day can make all of these things happen, then there is hope for tomorrow. Love will surely overcome adversity. And with this in mind, I can say without hesitation that I am so very, very thankful for Thanksgiving.

This is my annual Thanksgiving Prayer and musing. Feel free to share them of course.

I pray for all of us, oppressor and friend, that together we may succeed in building a better world through human understanding and love, and that in doing so we may reduce the pain and suffering of all

Thanksgiving focuses our minds on our blessings

rather than on our problems.

It makes the heart glad for what we have been given,

and it takes our minds off the burdens we all have.

In our lives of plenty and prosperity

we seem to take most everything for granted.

How appreciative we should be for our blessings

and what a wonderful thing is a holiday

which focuses our attention on them.

Thanksgiving is just the therapy we all need

to be reminded of our blessings and the beauty of living.